How to Prepare for Your Child's First Dance Class

A child’s first dance class is SUCH a special moment! Every year it gives us ALL the feels as we watch our brand new tiny dancers walk through our studio doors for the first time. For most staff members at Dance Endeavors, our first dance class was the start of a lifelong relationship with dance. We love watching our dance families make those same memories that we know you’ll cherish for a lifetime! 

Parents, we know that taking your child to dance for the first time can sometimes be nerve wracking for you AND your child. For many toddlers and preschoolers, dance class is the first activity they participate in without mom and dad by their side. So we wanted to take some time to make your lives a little easier this Fall. 

Our teachers are very experienced working with little ones and have TONS of advice for families who are new to dance. So we put together a list of our top 4 tips! 

How to prepare for your child’s first dance class: 

1.Look the part: Check out our dress code early so you have time to purchase their adorable attire. You want your dancer to feel confident on their first day of dance and that means looking and feeling like they belong. Be sure to check out our dress code for your child’s class to ensure they look and feel like a dancer on their very first day!

The good news is that we make it SUPER easy for our dance parents… we know you’ve got a lot going on! You can find dress code information on our website. Scroll down to your child’s class to find out what they need! 

A tip from the pros: Make sure laces on ballet shoes are tied SUPER tight and the elastic is tucked inside of your child’s ballet slipper. Tap shoes should have elastics or straps with buckles – no ribbons. Loose laces & ribbons will distract your child during class and can even be a safety hazard! 

2. Plan your “goodbye” ahead of time. Separation anxiety and shyness on the first day of dance are VERY common. We see it all the time. Some kids waltz right in with no problems. For others, leaving mom/dad is terrifying! Our staff at Dance Endeavors does our best to help out in whatever way you need. We know that sometimes saying goodbye to mom and dad is hard but as the class
gets started, those tears quickly turn into smiles and laughter.  To ease the transition, during the days leading up to class, build some excitement with your little dancer by explaining what dance class will look like. Tell them they will learn lots of fun dances and make tons of new friends. Most importantly, explain that dance class is something they get to do ALL by themselves. Moms and dads stay outside and watch. Remind them that after class, you will be there with hugs and kisses and you can’t wait to see what they learned! Make sure they know EXACTLY what to expect so there are no surprises on the big day. 

3. Take your child to the potty RIGHT before class. We can’t stress this one enough! You always want to make sure your child goes potty before class because our youngest dancers have SO much excitement to take in on the first day of dance. 

Potty breaks during class can sometimes be distracting. In fact, they can even be contagious! When one has to go, they all have to go. Our toddler and preschool dance classes are packed with dance skills and fun activities to keep our students engaged and busy. Once the potty train starts, it can be hard to get class flowing normally again. By going before class, we minimize trips to the washroom so we can maximize the fun in class!

4. Celebrate their victories! Getting through a dance class on their own as a toddler or preschooler is a huge accomplishment! Simply participating, listening to the instructor, and having fun is a win in our books. Sometimes it takes a few weeks to get the hang of the new dance class routine and that is totally normal. Staying positive and excited no matter what can help your dancer feel ready to try again next week. We are confident if you follow these tips, the big day will go smoothly and leave you tons of room to sit back and enjoy the moment! It is such a special day for your child and we are SO lucky to share it with you!

We can’t wait to meet all of our new tiny dancers! Our classes start at age 2 with creative movement and transition to ballet and tap for our preschoolers. The school year season starts on September 5th and we are still accepting enrollment in many of our classes so invite your friends!

Check out our schedule online if you still need to register and join us for the best toddler and preschool dance classes in Bloomington!

10820 Nesbitt Ave S, Bloomington, MN 55437